— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A few years ago I served in the tax police.
We conduct a group of operas examination in the offices of a large construction organization. Servers and accounting. From the present: the leadership of the organization, lawyers-lawyers, hand deputies, operatives, auditors, group of fire support type SOBR and other understandable. Everyone wears clothes. The tension in the air is such that it seems like if you swing unintentionally, it will tone so that the glasses fly.
A colleague calls out: "And I’m a deeper Nathaniel!"
The colleague replies: "Yes, comrade subcomrade! Comrade Colonel! "
Just put the phone, like the second colleague call: (monologue Nagiyev) "You are all shit!! You should talk louder!and "
Nervous laughter
The colleague, turning red, replied: “Yes, Comrade Colonel! Comrade Colonel! "
He puts the phone.
A minute later the call: "Chip chip and de-eyel to you in a hurry!and "
The attendees restrain as they can.
Another colleague grabs the phone, "accepts" the call, whispers: "Yes! Comrade Colonel!" but the music does not stop. A second blink, the general director’s look and confused: "oh, it’s me"
Everyone starts to rot so that the glasses tremble, and the tears splash so that the fountains envy.
The event ends without incidents.
And then the check, Comrade Colonel, still stopped.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna