— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A couple of years ago, according to the maintenance schedule, two cranes were replaced at the nuclear power plant: for water and hydraulics. I will not go into details, so as not to accidentally mistake anyone. For the reception of work by the High Commission, the capacity of the cranes had to be checked by a special spending meter. A set of measuring hose and second meter.
The chief of the technician sent the worker to the cleaner behind the cage — but the COMMISSION said, “Hey you! To accept work at the nuclear power plant with the help of it is unclear what cage we will not be. A cage for such a special purpose must be special.”
The chief said, “Okay” and tried to order a hose in the mansion. But there for the manufacture of the tool required from it a full set of drawings: size, material, shape. Separately on the walls, pen and product as a whole.
After pretending that the price of the cage is jumping rapidly from 100 rubles somewhere for 10 tir, the Chief tried to buy a cage in the store - but hell there. He could not buy at his own expense - it is unclear how to put the boiler on the balance sheet and issue it to the Commission, and he could not buy the boiler at the expense of the nuclear power plant, because any purchases by the state enterprise, according to the instructions, required a tender. Through Moscow.
Finally, the chief called us and asked us to buy and send the boiler "in a set" to the cranes, for the benefit of us, as individuals, no tenders were needed for this. And we bought. Not fur-flies, but real German measurement boilers at 270 rubles per piece.
Fuck it to you!! It turned out that the German measurement instrument is not pleased with the Commission. The certificate was issued by the Russian Metrological Service. Thus the cage went to ***c, where they are 2 weeks (!) The price is 1500 rubles (!) It was studied by some specially trained scientists. And they concluded that German boilers for measuring Russian water volumes are still suitable.
and Katarsis:
The shipment is discharged, tickets are bought, the race "under pairs" - and the car sent behind the cages on ***s is in a traffic jamming on the Ligovsky Prospectus. As time has pushed up, we go to the backpack, take a hose and a litre bowl of chlorine from the cleaner, pour water from under the crane, mark the levels with a marker, and then send the race with this "product". The scanned certificate of the metrological service is sent by e-mail.
The High Commission safely signs the Acceptance Act! The speed of filling the cage of the cleaner, but with labels from the marker it was quite arranged.
As for the veers, their fate was also very remarkable. Thanks to the availability of certificates, they took an active part in the maintenance of APL reactors, after which they were washed off oil (interestingly, what did they measure there with these boilers?) Now I went to work in India. What is characteristic, from second meters the Hindus refused. They say they have enough of that good. This is a certified a-a...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna