— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The gender disputes. My wife, a smart-beautiful woman periodically sang a quote from the song: "If you want to tell me a word - try to use your mouth." I suggest you try this principle.

Regarding the diplomas - I do not have a diploma on the OV, worked as a carrier and at the same company now import manager, I communicate with foreigners, I make orders, the company has grown in 3.5 times. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get it or strive for it. You need to work your head and not be afraid to take on new initiatives.

The Eye of Sauron. Well what you wanted. Russia is on its knees. Returns to religious obscurity and the tsarist regime with ophricity. It is the fault of every reader and not only.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna