— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ]
Again, "for the jeep to spit" - this is the same thing
A straight line that needs to be placed. But all
The trouble is that they can plant (and plant) on this.
for completely harmless things, for example,
for what you said to a nice colleague: "you today
You look good" You wanted without any subjects.
Make a man pleasant, and you have a time.

by *****

25 again. People, you don’t have to be so ignorant! What, to hell, is the deadline? Yes, if you beat someone at work with your compliments after being polently asked not to do so, you may be removed from work or even fired. But what kind of timing can be discussed, when they are not always given even for murders. Don’t be ashamed, the hell knows where the bell is heard, right...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna