— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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proforg13: it’s just shit
by kak2c:
Proforg13: Shortly we go to work with Sevich. On the way, I jumped into a technocil, wanted to buy a skyrim with a face. I ask, and the seller gives me, say you have a child 18?
proforg13: here such Sevitch approaches and asks this young sheep: "Please tell me, how many years do I look like?" She says to him: "Well you are not less than 30".
proforg13: and Sevitch said to her: "This victim of gambling is only six months younger than me. He has been driving for six years, married and raising a three-year-old child.
proforg13: The deceased saleswoman turns to me and says, “I thought you were still a student, and you’re already so old.”
Proforg13: Well, is this not a fucking shit?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna