— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Where is?! to
A straight line that needs to be placed. But all
The trouble is that they can plant (and plant) on this.
for completely harmless things, for example,
for what you said to a nice colleague: "you today
You look good" You wanted without any subjects.
Make a man pleasant, and you have a time.
— — —
Where you've heard and seen this - a sprinkle in the studio! You are told in direct text by those living in this rotten capitalism that there is no such thing, you do not have to invent it, and you are again for your own. Think about who and when told you this, and why you believed him.
P.S I live "there", married to "Americos", smiled at me and invited me to lunch without any fear of being arrested for harassment, oh. And around me, chatta couples often form, marry and have children. They have not disappeared, and yet they are not going.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna