— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Five-year-old girl fell into nostalgia:

Remember, Mommy, there were tree trees around our kindergarten, and before the New Year they were dressed with bulbs and huge paper candies? Kaak we wanted to know what was there, in these candy... And suddenly – foam!!! This snow can be done in the group! And once we were lucky: the candy was swallowed and we managed to lock it off the veranda. The whole operation was her secret from the teacher and the boys to uncover. And there is a box. Vaaaaaau... It’s even cooler than foam – there can be anything! We do not breathe, we open the box - and there is a lump. Well, we ate it."
And you say, modern children are not like us)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna