— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In any case, or, I fear, the panic will rise.

From Habr.

Nidaylokn: Even if the elevator's wires break, it won't fall.
MrPeterLink: But from the sharp operation of the hunters, the bottom can break away.
Ayahuaska: But overall the elevator will be whole! (They are :

The subsidiary of the office in which I work is engaged in the production of elevators. They have a shell frame around the actual box (and also from the bottom), approximately 70x150 mm in the eye, tighted with screws, boiled and with diagonal stripes of a steel bar thicker than the finger. When I first saw it, I asked, it was so hard, and I was shown excerpts from GOSTs, some calculations and the customer's TZ. Lifts are made for residential multi-storey houses, not for defense, if anything.
Of course, I will not claim for all manufacturers, but we do so.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna