— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Perforator and Perforator.
Above us lived a man who had an interesting hobby, but also brought in income (trading on the market and in the commission). So was he, his mother, a waiting man!!! In the 1980s it was fashionable.
Have a metal picture at home. Oldfagus must remember) And since there was a main place of work for his favorite business, he devoted virtually all his free time (non-working, i.e. working time). For almost 17 years we have been involuntary participants in this fascinating process. So is!

by P.S And so the normal man was not drinking, then he would repair and paint the bench in the courtyard, then the sandbox, then something else useful... because, apparently, they did not scandalize...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna