— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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<MATPOCKuH> Wipes transplantation, however, still remains a very difficult and diligent operation. But if it is performed successfully, the result is impressive. The only "but" - the eyelids will have to be cut regularly, as the hair from the patient's head is used for transplantation, which, naturally, can grow to an impressive length.
MATPOCKuH imagined at a metal concert a man shaking with a hair rising from his eyes.
<Unicornix> how to cut your hair? It is better to wrap in cracks, stick cracks, etc.
<Unicornix> and generally convenient - you don't have to put light bulbs in your eyes. You can bind the eyelids (upper and lower) behind the head.
<Unicornix> can be crossed to hold better.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna