— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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So it happened that this year I built a house in the village.Near the Volga, forest, mushrooms-fishing.Beauty, in a word.Naturally, I began to establish connections with the local Aborigines on the subject of fish, mushrooms and berries. I got married to a man named Alexander. Working such a man of years, so, forty. Two cows with their wife. The house is proper, a boat UAZik on the farm. So, we had a conversation with him somehow on a well-known topic, about how not to earn money in the village, the people sleep from hopelessness. Young people are leaving the city...
Would you make money? – No money.
Is it that there is a collage for 6 rubles, is it just a profit?
Okay, I think the language is wasted. You can’t prove anything on your fingers.
I jumped out of the inette the simplest picture: a wooden table with shops. The next day I come to Sasuke, I say, “Listen, you are kind of like a strong carpentry part? Do you think me so wild? Sanek looked: “No problem, for the day I manage, there is material?”
I say no, no. Here the house broke, the debris board dried, let's go see?
They went to the garbage, pulled the board. Sack the next day started to squeeze, and I visited him in the evening.
Accept, speak and work. Fuck, it was like in the picture.
I ask how much? and 2 rubles. Is it normal? Not a question, I give two thousand, and I say, and now, Sash, bring it all to the store on the road, we will sell. Here is so. I brought to the store on the fifth, I laid a paper on the table for 5 thousand rubles. We drink beer, we sit, we warm up in the sun. The farmers come to the store, many are watching. Forty minutes later, a man from the neighboring village bought it. I ordered the delivery for 500 rubles.I ask Sanka, will you take it? For five hundred? It is easy! And then I ask him, well, neighbor, can’t you, say, make money? To what Sanek answers me, “You hear it... I’m going to do it, and you’re going to sell it?”

Your Mother, Sanya I put trechan in my pocket in an hour, and you smelled for two rubles all day! What are you, stupid? Is it hard for the store to keep up time? To put a wife?
So I don’t have to talk about opportunities in the village, and in the city...It all depends on people.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna