— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Many people then ate very poorly, most had no money at all for meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.

Yes, the parents barely found the chicken! at the New Year's table, and I, standing 1.5 hours in a row on the street for 2 dozen eggs, then poured another hour, heating my feet near the battery... But at the same time, we managed to celebrate the holidays! My DR in April 1993 was especially remembered by the fact that my mother and I managed to smash 26 portions from two blue chickens... and nobody left hungry and sober... But yes, the times were terrible, especially for girls - probably not all remember this, but one was dangerous to go out: the car and the girl could easily get stuck in her in the middle of the white day and take her away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna