— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Seventh Panic:

My father has steel eggs. When the euro was sold for 120, he went to the exchange... and sold all the euros he had. A fine sum, by the way. He was looked at in the exchange as an alien. When he told me this, I barely sat down. I was convinced that everything, the cape, tomorrow the economy will slide into the stone age, and so at least something would remain for us. Today he went, and coldly bought the euro back, but it turned out to be almost 70% more. I asked him why he didn’t wait, he could even double. He said that hysterics are always visible, but to predict further market fluctuations he no longer has enough brains.

Father has not steel eggs, but brains in place, unlike you. And in the situation that arranged you such panicers, I decided to multiply the money a little. I was able to stop in time! The young man!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna