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The grains are roasted because of thirst. and Biology.
Entomologists from the University of Toronto have found that females of the four-legged grain tend to have sex not because of the desire to be fertilized, but because of the lack of water in the body.
The researcher Claudia Urshprung formed from 79 females three control groups, reports National Geographic. They were locked up for eight days. The first group was drunk and fed, the second was given only food (sirop or yeast), and the third was only liquid.
Drunk females showed no particular interest in sex. Others, who sat on a yeast diet, on the contrary, began to literally pursue virgin partners, who were regularly planted by scientists. This form of relationship is called polyandria. According to Canadian entomologists, polygamy appeared in these insects as a way of adapting to the dry environment where they normally live. Polyandria helps females benefit from love acts, in this case water from sperm.
“It’s like getting a bribe when coupling. The frogs seem to fear themselves so that the female can bring healthy offspring,” explained study co-author Derrill Guine.
According to Urshprung, the transition to polyandria was given to females with difficulty. Coupling leads to serious damage to the female genital tract, but the grain does not stop it.

Yyy> what a shit scientists are doing

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