— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A woman’s brain is the same as a man’s. If this is not the case, please eatkneck these "equal rights".
If a person has gray matter in his head, conscience and education, then no intoxication and no hormones will change his "sufficiency." The brakes may shake up or the subconscious desires may unfold, the limit of their weakness may shift. With severe poisoning, perception is already disrupted, cognitive functions are inhibited and simplified. But a man will never say or do what he did not want in principle. And the consequences of these actions will not cease to understand. He may not care about them.
This is what I do - stop dropping into toxicosis what you previously just masked in yourself.

Friend, and you are with a hammer or a temperature of 38 also cheerful, cheerful and the soul of the company? No, I am not a woman. The Doctor. They are married, unlike...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna