— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I stopped only after my phrase: maybe you flew from a strange husband, broke up a strange family, and give yourself a place in the transportation.

The PS has reached the point.
Dear transportation truck! And what, a child born from a foreign husband will automatically grow into an alkas or a fool? Probably, your mom hid something from daddy... and if seriously - this unborn child in 25-30 years, maybe you will be treated in an old-age shelter. Or maybe the medicine "of everything in the world" will invent. Or something else that will be useful to everyone and especially to you, 45-year-old fool. Well, at least just a good man will grow up, we will earn for retirement. The woman did not demand honors - she asked for help. You rejected her and taunted her, and you still boast about it. is shameful.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna