I talked about Greek cabbage.
Immediately I say - all this from the words of a familiar, pulls to the fairy tale, but in his
Time is fun.
He went to high school and began to bite.
As with any normal student, it’s time to get acquainted.
colleagues closer, and in the common people to organize a joint drinking.
(Ah, as I remember that golden time, so the tears turn.) As in
In most cases, this action was decided to be carried out in communion.
The day has come, communal Aborigines meet city comrades with
packages of drinks and snacks, tables are covered, tables are arranged and
other plates, shorter in the air vibrates "terrible feeling
of the day" (C) One intelligent girl didn’t know where.
to put themselves on, because of the humility moved in the side and in general
She was a graduate of the institute of noble virgins in the revolutionary
The cruiser. We decided to give her a task - take, so to speak, a dozen eggs,
blow in the food block and quickly burn them. She made big eyes, took
Bottle and went. Table is covered. Vodka is provided. Divided by. Potatoes
have disbanded. They wait. The potato smoke, the water evaporates its placed
the molecular layers. There are no girls. How much can this be cooked?
Eggs / Eggs / What does it mean? We sent a race. Returned holding
Through the walls and throwing fingers toward the kitchen. The people were looking at –
Dozens of eggs from a local poultry factory were rolled in a dry bowl.
The shell gradually took a brown color. Shakes periodically
It mixed them like sports balls in the drum of a lochtron. history
silences whether she has frozen them before frying, or this product is placed
Eat it in ketchup or mayonnaise.