— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Memento_mori: How many such photos I watch - a trend: the grandmothers are engaged in slides, the men pose on the camera :-)

I'm just the only girl who knows how to fry a chopsticks, and in any condition ;-)

Memento_mori: the shashiki here is secondary. I say, I lay pictures: the grandmothers are all at work, the men pose. If I lay out our campaigns: the girls are cooking, the guys will jump through the fire. The girls are putting tents, the guys are hanging on the tarzan. They smile and smile, in short :-)

Okay, the apocalypse will happen, the grandmothers will survive :D

Memento_mori: the apocalypse will happen, there will be a friendly male: "Grandmother-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!!and "

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna