— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two of my daughters fought at work.
One with a foam in the mouth proved that "what is good and what is bad" wrote Mikhalkov
The second quietly stated that the author was Mayakovsky at all.
by Mikhailov!!!! to
What is it? 😉 😉
- illiterate, Sergey Mikhalkov, author of the hymn!!!!! to
Mayakovsky and calm down.

here the boss interferes (has gone unnoticed) and offers to look at the internet, because it would be time to work already, and not to be measured by poets.
The chief was asked not to interfere, after which the first aunt said:
look at your internet, but first bet, on the bottle "Hennessy", that the author Mikhalkov
Second: OK, let’s argue that Mayakovsky.
Everyone stops working and gathers around the arguments, someone breaks the bet.
Looking at the internet, the first aunt cries and thinks that everyone is lying there.
second aunt with a laugh: and you call a friend or use the room tip

Summary from the boss: the deal is more expensive than the money, the argument goes for cognac, on the way goes to the pharmacy and buys a sedative and something to improve memory. By the next NG will be on the table to read poems of Mayakovsky for Santa. The working day was extended for half an hour, which flew into the pipe because of a stupid baby dispute. Who in the future will come hunting to bet to come to make a bet to him in the office personally.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna