— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About children and the methods of their upbringing.
I was spoiled. 2 or 3 times. One time I laundered money from my mother, the second time I abandoned my studies, attacked two men, for each of whom I got a barrel with a belt, only about a dozen. Nothing, I grew up, I don’t torture cats, I don’t beat girls. But it is me.
There was another example in front of me. A boy younger than me. His parents always communicated with him, explained, persuaded, but he did not just in his own way, but badly. That bed will spoil, that money will be forbidden, that younger sister reminds. And somewhere at six o’clock after another shot, he was evaporated. And several more times, but every time before that and after that I talked to him. Strangely enough, it helped.
the morality. The parent should avoid the use of force, but do not hesitate if other methods are exhausted. On this I suggest to end with the children and go to sex, it’s more fun :-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna