— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Prehistory.
One, very well-known, Russian bank decided to arrange me, apparently, a New Year's surprise and issued me a bill of 4000 rubles for the allegedly issued to me 3 years ago debit card, to which various services were connected, such as SMS notifications and others. For which these 4000 and raced over the past three years. The card was opened as a salary. At the same time, I live in the Volgograd region, and the firm where I allegedly worked was Moscow. Three years later, they finally recalled and started calling me about repaying the debt. Since I did not open any card, I went to the bank’s office in my city and demanded explanations. An employee of the bank made a request to the bank, without issuing it properly, and said that the response will have to wait 7-10 working days. During these 7-10 working days, I was named several times a day, and every time I told the staff the whole story that I did not issue a card, and, in general, I went to the bank office for clarifications, and now you have to wait 7-10 working days. Since it didn’t reassure them, and they still called me, I developed several strategies for myself to communicate with them, which I adhered to all these 8 days.
The history.
- Hello, this is the pre-trial debt recovery department of the bank... My name is... I can hear Valery...
It is me, I listen to you.
Please indicate your date of birth.
Why Why?
To identify you.
I confirmed it was me.
I need to make sure of that.
Do you think someone will talk for me?
I don’t know that you are you.
“Well, I’ll give you my date of birth if you give me the series and number of your passport.
Why Why?
- Well, then I will also know that you are exactly you, a bank employee, and not just a telephone scammer who got information about me from the stolen database.
Running in the phone.

- Hello, this is the pre-trial debt collection department of the bank...My name is...I can hear Valery...
Please repeat your name and surname.
Why Why?
- I will call the pre-trial debt recovery department of your bank and clarify whether you are really their employee?
Running in the phone.

- Hello, this is the pre-trial debt collection department of the bank...My name is...I can hear Valery...
Yes, it is me.
We have called you several times, but you refuse to talk to our staff.
I do not refuse to talk to them. I just explained to your employees that I don’t know what card it was about. So I went to the office of the bank in our city for clarifications. You have to wait 7-10 working days. So far I do not recognize any debts to your bank.
“That is, Valery, you refuse to pay those 4000 rubles?
- Until I get the documents on my own-handed opening of this account with my signature - yes!
These documents will be presented to you, I have no doubt about it.
When they are presented, we will talk.
- So you are a scammer, Valery, once you have used the services of the bank for three years, and now you do not want to pay for them!
“Can we clarify again – is our telephone conversation really recorded, as the respondent told us before we started our conversation?
“Yes, Valery, and you can’t say now that we haven’t warned you about possible consequences. And you will have to be held accountable for your fraudulent actions in all strictness, up to criminal liability.
- Then, I hope you have a court decision to recognize my actions as fraudulent. Otherwise, I will bring you to court for defamation, and as proof I will require a telephone record of this conversation.
Running in the phone.

P.S Eight days later, I received a response from the bank that there was an annoying misunderstanding. The bill was issued incorrectly and has now been cancelled. Accept our sincere apologies.

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