— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We cut goats on a Dutch farm.
The team was international: five people armed with scissors and cohesion.
I will tell you, goats are neither goats nor even lambs. A goat is a large animal under one and a half centimeters of weight, which can quite stand for itself.
It was the last mother goat we could not cope with.
At the corner, the Dutchman made a cut. The goat fell. They worked lightning: I immediately put the goat on the head, the guys grabbed the foot and began to quickly cut the goat.
In the process, the Dutchman, as the owner of the farm, decided to engage in a conversation on the topic of what words different peoples use in such situations. In the Dutch “country”, in the English “shield”, in the Polish “curvy”.
In Russian, I made my contribution.
During such a cultural conversation, the Dutch man breaks his scissors. The goat instantly releases the leg from the capture and tastingly beats it with an uncut copper right into the forehead.
“Courriers, crazy, are our favorites anywhere on the planet. proven by experience.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna