— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For the dog:
My Artie (Scottish Shepherd) was 5 years old when my first daughter was born. The best babysitter could not be. Artie woke us up when her daughter was writing or sleeping restlessly, always sleeping next to her bed.
When Artie was eight years old, he had two other guardians – my son and a newfound pup (5 and 2 months, respectively). The two were crawling, writing and eating. Artie had patience and attention for the whole three. When I had my second daughter, Artie was 11 years old... And again, he was the most attentive babysitter of all possible. Now Artie is old and blinded - he is 14. He is the most respected member of the family. He taught all three of my children to walk (they took their first steps by holding his wool). And, what is remarkable, neither he nor Hans (the waterlord) has ever cheated on the courtyard children, who, from time to time, hang on their wool with the screams of "Syasa!"!", "Baby!!!" and " baby!!!" and so on. They have always patiently waited for me to drive away the fools who are trying to take their tail or ears off them.
They are clearly more worthy representatives of thinking beings than those who try to poison them. Do not weigh on the same scales the life of a fool/pidorus/hatred and the OTHER, the wise and faithful.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna