— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This was in those times when the Soviet people had very little to endure before the communism promised by Nikita Sergeič. But some had lived nothing for themselves at the time. It was well paid in geological exploration. Moreover, in the exploration of oil and gas, there was no need to climb the mountains with a backpack and sleep in a tent. The expedition came culturally to some town and rented a piece of dormitory, say, from a construction machinery or trickery factory. The bosses are in the hotel, of course. And every morning - on the cars and went "to storm the territory", and in the evening - walk, robbin!

And young drillers and pumps were walking. And why not walk if the pomp gets like four engineers. Three young men, weighed up not so much by their intelligence, but by their crumbling papers, went to the restaurant in the evening. Drinking, eating and shooting whom, if you succeed, is a young business. But it didn’t work, even though it ate well, and was taken on the chest quite well.

They go to each other in communion through the park and on you, to meet three girls of quite decent appearance. Not alone, but with a huge German Shepherd on the lead. But our heroes are already in such a state that the dog is not an obstacle to them. They begin to come to the ladies, which, say, would be good to get to know closer, girls, once you have such jealous cavalers on the way. Girls do not mind meeting, even vice versa, but not here, in the park. But now we will go to the OP OOP, there and meet in the presence of the police officer. The girlfriends appeared.

Guys, of course, such an offer offends and they decide to go to bed. And the girls insist, and one is already listening to the cowboys. The boys begin to send the meger to different addresses, follow the command "Fas!" and the dog, standing on the debris, rests on Colet's pumpur with his front legs in the chest, whispering in his face. As they say, in one moment his whole life passed before him. And when she passed, Kolya grabbed the “German”’s teeth in the nose.

From now on, the tragedy has turned into a farce. Insulted by the human wickedness, the dog jumped back, fell on all four legs and with a whisper rushed through the bushes somewhere into the darkness. His mistress shouted, “Sharik, Sharik, to me!” And two of her friends, suddenly found themselves alone with three drunk geologists, rushed to dissolve in the environment.

This seems to be the end of the story. Although a long time later as they gather in a restaurant, someone will definitely say, "You, Kolyan, don't hesitate to order there. Otherwise you will not find yourself again and start hunting for dogs."The rough people of geologists, just no sensitivity of the soul.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna