— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The most important. Dangerous wild predators and human children are NOT the same thing. Just for one attempt of such a comparison, for the very idea of comparing in the style of "killed a dog" - will kill children!adinin!" you, stupid nearby miserable meaningless humans haters themselves must be locked in the cages.
When will you realize that the human children of others are not the most sacred and important to all and all, right? They do the same on the streets, and not always with wraps and beaten bottles. Growing up, they also clash in clusters, can attack, chase drunk in cars. What devil should I worship? Are not all like that? So the dogs have served people for a very, very long time, and saved many, very many lives - when they were held for business, instead of kicking out in the morning on the street, in the evening allowed home.
Yes, there is a problem, but only moral injuries can poison everyone in a row. I do not believe that a person who enjoys watching the agony of a living being is normal.

It is necessary to impose taxes on dogs, and spend those taxes on collecting them from the streets, or at least shooting them in extreme cases. It is necessary to force the owner to join the dog club, take training exams, and sterilize the dog if it cannot improve the breed. To chip them, to penalize if the dog runs without supervision, and for the discarded - to penalize wildly. Let the dog become a responsibility, and not a "mammakupishchenka!".

I like the hornets.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna