— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a tooth sick. My dentist told me that one doctor at the exhibition and the other got sick, and advised to come in a week. I went to the clinic on the road. I explain to the young ladies at the reception that I have a tooth pain and I want to go to the doctor. I get a paper with my phone:

Call this number and sign up for the reception.

Looking in the eyes of the lady, I take a paper, I get a cell phone, I type a number. The phone is standing. I look at the girl on the machine. She removes the phone:

The Dental Clinic.
He has already healed. I need to go to the doctor. and now.

The girl goes to the astral and continues, looking me in the eyes, talking to me on the phone.

You can do it right now, you just have to wait.
How long to wait?
for ten minutes.
I am already waiting.

I repeat without the phone: “I wait!”

Ten minutes later they came and healed me. The order of recording is observed, the girl's brain rhythm at the reception is not disturbed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna