— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And the third loves Chekhov and Dawkins. And the organ concert in the cathedral near the restaurant, which happened to emerge in the conversation, was not news for him.
Should I indicate that I hired a third, or is it so obvious?)
That is all I have to do. Grow up people. Good books and pleasure will bring and open all doors to you.
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Reminded me:
The man long thought which of the three girls in love with him to marry. He decided to give each $5,000 and find out how they would dispose of them.
The first bought expensive clothes, the best cosmetics, went to an elite beauty salon – in general, did everything to look perfect, and said, “I love you very much and I want everyone to know that you have the most beautiful wife in the city.”
The second spent all the money on her potential husband, buying him new costumes, shirts, tools for the car, and said, "You are the most important to me, so I spent all the money on you."
The third put 5,000 dollars in circulation, earned another 5,000 and returned everything to the man: "I love you very much. I did this to make you realize that I am smart and unfathomable.
The man thought — and married the one whose breasts were larger.
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I am for what? I don't know what business you work in, but it is better to promote not the experts of Chekhov and the authority, but those who will better cope with the job in the new place. However, if the work is not important - you can promote pleasant interlocutors. Those with larger breasts.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna