— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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GRAD (23:34:35 6/10/2008)
I knew the doctors were cynical but not to that extent.After the injection of anesthesia he lay on his back.
Anesthesiologist such approaches me and says crossing me "that you will see that light".
GRAD (23:34:40 6/10/2008)
I shrugged a little.
GRAD (23:34:47 6/10/2008)
But he could do nothing.
GRAD (23:35:04 6/10/2008)
I was turned on my stomach, turned around, and a cock.
GRAD (23:35:24 6/10/2008)
I saw the inscription on the floor "this light" сууууука.I rusted as I could and it was bad)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna