— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not my own:
How the French rolled eggs
I am from Saratov, but I am currently studying in France. My wife and I are going back to Paris. A friend meets at the airport. He is French, and like any French, he loves to eat. He invited us to dinner in the evening and asked to prepare some Russian dish for an aperitif. With little thought, we decided to prepare an Olivia salad. And a friend was surprised that the Russian salad has a French name. Since we rented a very small apartment, we decided to cook with a friend (his name is Cyril). We went to the nearest store, bought products and went to him. It was raining on the street.
We went home, I immediately put cooking vegetables and eggs. I opened a Bordeaux bottle. And then I realize that there is no time for cooking eggs. 
I get up, take a tablespoon, catch one egg, put it on the table and shook sharply. The egg rotates quickly, I realize it has been cooked “hard” and can be turned off. I poured hot water, poured cold water and sat down at the table again. The faint Cyril looks at me, he’s stuck with a bottle of wine and is silent. I also remain silent and await his further reaction, as I do not understand what it is about. We sit like idiots. After 10 seconds, he says, “Why did you roll the eggs?”
I seriously answer, “I forgot to check the time and wanted to check their readiness.” He falls into the final shock, then drinks a glass and apparently makes some conclusions, saying, "That is, you say that raw and cooked eggs rotate at different speeds?"
My friend laughs, and I know what’s going on. Cyril sits in shock... “It can’t be so!” he finally gives. I decide to prove that he is wrong. I am looking for raw eggs in the refrigerator to conduct an experiment, and they are not (in France eggs are mostly sold in packs of 4 pieces). Go to the store and buy more.
On the street no longer rains, there is rain! by Pofig! They took a umbrella (one on three) and went, on the way he met 2 classmates and told them the whole situation, they were interested (naturally not believed!) He also decided to go with us. We bought eggs and went home.
One of Cyril's friends is called by his girlfriend and says that she and her brother and two friends are already waiting for him, and he says: "I will wait a little while, we met Cyril and want to conduct an experiment." Tell them the situation. They were also interested and said they would come in 10 minutes. We decided to wait for them on the street.
There are five people under one umbrella and an egg in the hand. A young couple was passing by, and it turned out to be neighbors of Cyril. The French are curious!! They also asked, “Why are you wet guys?” Forgot the keys?“Our French friends are already choreographing and telling a story about eggs and about the experiment being prepared. Sirius invites them.
Finally the guys we were waiting for arrived and we are going to “turn the eggs” with the whole crowd!!! I put two eggs on the table: one cooked, the other raw. And so proudly I say, “Look!” I shake eggs. Naturally, the eggs rotated at different speeds, and the raw rotated much slower. So they told me that I was mocking, that I was specifically swirling with a different force!!! to 
None of the French believed that they had a different speed. They said that the same eggs in weight and shape should rotate the same way (they have bad physics at all). I say, “Let’s try it now!” and that’s where it started!!! They began to approach and turn the eggs.
Imagine a picture: Paris, the kitchen, a line from the French to the table on which the eggs spin! When the next Frenchman twisted the eggs and realized that they were actually rotating at different speeds, he turned aside, poured a glass of wine and quietly looked at the others. And in the eyes of such a thoughtfulness, as if the meaning of life had changed.
At the end of the “turning of eggs” one guy said to me, “Russian people are brilliant people!” and I replied, “We are surprised by our own lives” and inspired by this phrase decided to show a video about Russia, where a truck with cows turns around and a woman breaks off the car’s buffer. 
The Frenchman remained silent for a long time, and then said: "There is just an extraordinary people living in Russia. 
And you know what? I sincerely regret America, she expects one thing from you, and you respond to her completely differently. I would very much like France and Russia to live in friendship, because France cannot argue with you. We fought once and we don’t want to fight again. Your logic cannot be calculated.”
My self-love was very touched by these words and we happily went to do Bordeaux=)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna