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>>> First, GMO products do not exist long enough to judge their harm or benefit

"They are still poorly studied". by %@t What is studied? Is the beetle thoroughly explored? Or,, scientists have perfectly studied the most complex biocomposition of kefir? The first genetically modified products, by the way, appeared in the 1980s, and one of them was tobacco. Almost all industrial tobacco is genetically modified. This is known, as well as the fact that the cigarette paper is always added silicate so that the design burns and does not extinguish. But it’s not even about the toxic silicium that a smoker breathes. Not the first century is known what is harmful tobacco - this is just "goodly studied". and what? Though some of the protesters against GMOs have quit smoking, although hundreds of thousands of smokers die from lung cancer each year? Do you know anyone who has gotten sick from eating GMOs?
Leonid Kaganov, from the article "I want to eat genetically modified foods"

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