— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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> As one of my acquaintances put it: "Unfulfilled erotic fantasies of one lady". I honestly don’t understand why everyone cares about this. And ladies who are reading, swallowing with saliva. The banal is wild. And men who fiercely hate those ladies who read, swallowing with saliva. Such babby novels thousands and amateurs read them dozens. Why are you pressing them for this?

In “50 Shades...”, unlike most women’s novels, it shows what is called “abusive relationship”, that is, a relationship in which one partner engages in physical and psychological violence against the other (contrary to the wishes of the other) – and this is inferred as “normal behavior”, and the heroes are described as “right” people, the actions of which are worth imitating. In addition, a completely false idea of BDSM culture is given with a direct violation of the rules postulated in this culture, which is already filled with a threat to the health of those who decide to try "under the impression" of the book / film.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna