— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Marasmatic hysteria
What did they do with it and how does this grape grow?! Why didn’t they say it was GMO?
I bought grapes in the market yesterday. They said sort somehow "kum-kush" or "shesh-beš", I did not remember.
And - horror - there is no bone in it!! ! to I didn’t notice at first and ate 1.5 grains! ! to Only then I noticed that he was without bones, that is, infertile, but it was too late! I have already eaten.
What did they do with it and how does this grape grow?! Why is it not warned that it is genetically modified? Now I sit and fear - can I now have children?
1 Vineyard is called"Kishmisch"
The vineyards are multiplied by beams, cracks, cuttings, but not by seeds!
The mention of Kishmish is preserved in Uzbek fairy tales and dates back to 1212.
The Uzbeks reproduce normally.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna