— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is naive:

Today I saw the solo guitarist of my favorite group in one of the supermarkets... in a brand jacket and a supermarket hat. He works there :(

Everything is right, because you, the poor, the songs of your favorite group prefer to download for free without registration and SMS, and you will only agree to go to the concert if the cost of the entrance ticket will not exceed the cost of three of your lunches. And the musicians, you won’t believe, are also people, and they also, imagine, want to eat at least sometimes.
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The point is not that someone downloads music for free or does not go to concerts, but that music can only feed you if you collect the stadiums. In other cases, you have to work. And yes, regardless of education, musicians often go to low-skilled or unskilled work, as it easily allows you to regularly take a vacation at your expense during a concert in another city or tour. In one of my favorite metal bands, all members are working, except for one loader and one driver, for example.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna