— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Third Capital
Best of Pentagon.
The missiles will fly ahead of him longer and so everyone will have time to evacuate
There are no roads, there is no blockade either.
There is always mineral water on the ground.
There is no need to change clothes in a woman's dress in case, just put on a hat to get lost.
There is no subway, but you can work on its construction for more than 100 years, enough orders for everyone
Out of the mountainous terrain there are no places where more than 5 thousand people can gather in a flat place, convenient to drive up unauthorized rallies.
There is a lot of space on the mountains for the construction of administrative buildings, convenient on one mountain to place the legislative power, on the other the executive, the prosecutor's office and the courts below or on the smaller mountains.
The river on which the first hydroelectric power plant in Russia was built runs, you can build a few gases and enough electricity
There are holy places and many people can be baptized.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna