— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Turn your brains on and see how many problems are with breeding animals.

very well. Let us now forget about the meat and milk breeds of cows, about the breeds of sheep with especially beautiful wool, about horses, the author does not know about them, he described only dogs.

I’m not against unnatural dogs, they’re very smart and sympathetic, devoted, and generally wonderful. These are my thoughts when choosing a dog.
You can take unnatural. I know about him that he is cute.
You can give birth. If I am a foolish sewing lover who lives in the city, will walk in the corner of the courtyard, and the dog wants, I will take a small dog who can wear and enjoy life on a small square, such breeds are many. Their disadvantages are due to lack of education. If I am a hunter, if I have a private house and a warm booth, if I have a flock of sheep, if I am a border guard, if I want to hide it in sandwiches, or do adjility, I will choose what I need.
The number of diseases of breeding dogs is a greeting from breeders, many of whom sacrifice all the qualities except those evaluated at exhibitions - the tail is twisted, the fold is raised, the fur is more genuine... But I can choose a breed that will NOT be prone to most of the listed diseases. However, taking a dog from a good breeder, I can imagine that it will grow out of it.

And I’m in favor of GMOs because it will delay the time when we’ll sit hungry.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna