— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is impossible to get bored that the words "humanitarian" and "lazy idiot" are constantly confused.
The humanitarian knows at least English, and most likely one or two other foreign languages in addition to it. Therefore, searching for information in a foreign language, reading the documentation on it is not a problem.
The humanitarian read quickly, can separate the necessary information from the unnecessary, deal with the unknown device with the help of Google, instructions and a strong Russian word. (This is not taught in the philfake, it is a side effect of reading a large number of primary and secondary sources.)
The humanitarian is able to recognize demagogy and rhetorical techniques that distort facts, and, as a rule, does not engage in them. (What, as my life experience shows, very often happens with technicians).
The humanitarian is able to articulate and clearly express his thoughts, both in written and oral form, if necessary translating them into the language of the interlocutor.

Therefore, do not call lazy chickens humanitarian. They are just lazy chickens.

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