— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There is such an animal.
In response to this.

and once. Thalia, like the vast majority of living beings, is wonderfully able to process sugar itself and with the help of a parasite, and more so does not need a system of two parasites. They, of course, are, but they eat the absorbed slice of sugar for their pleasure, interfering with the insect itself.
and two. Very rarely anyone manages to steal the genes of their virus. Here everything is simpler: the virus simply does not form the capsid, a shell that allows it to travel between the cells, which is used to us in the pictures of anti-cold drugs advertising, but it is fun and intrusively embedded in the host's genome and is perfectly present there. By the way, we also have such genomic parasites. Except in the background, this virus really helps fight rider larvae.
and three. There are substances carotene - an orange pigment in plants and fungi, and keratin - a protein component of horns, nails and hair. Neither of them performs photosynthesis, although carotene helps in photosynthetic processes, protecting chlorophyll from breakdown. So our poor and unfortunate fox is still not able to photosynthesize, but can eat sugar itself and crazyly quickly and qualitatively reproduce without the participation of males. But this is a completely different story.
With love, your parasitist.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna