— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This funny incident happened, like, in the railway clinic of Novocherkassk.
Comrade came with his trouble to the proctologist. After the examination of something doubted and to confirm the diagnosis led our hero to ultrasound diagnosis.
Of course, the man went to the proctologist and paid no attention to the ad at the entrance. And there black on white laser printer printed that you need to have a condom with you. It is put on a rectal (simply rectal) sensor, before it is inserted where it needs to be, in order to maintain its sterility.
The man stands, feels, feels uncomfortable, because the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics is a nice woman of the right age.
She raises her eyes, sees a frightened man and says with a smile:
Take a condom and dress up.
The man was surprised (not seeing the announcement) and asked:
Why Why?
The doctor answers:
A stupid question, man.
He mocked something, jumped out of the office and after ten minutes ran in with a condom, a box of candy and a bottle of champagne.
This kind of fun doctor had not experienced for a long time.
Such a breakdown the man has never experienced at all in his life.

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