— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why are we all on February 14th? Yes, you need to love each other every day, but why not use this day as an occasion for small surprises, confessions? My husband and I are home neighbors, but in honor of the holiday there is a chance to go somewhere for a walk. And maybe the beach will be more festive on this day. And if they walk smiling couples, what’s wrong?
Is lonely offensive? And you can imagine how offensive it is for childless women when on March 8 children lay their mothers cards? How sad is it to stay alone for the New Year, if you want to sit with a large friendly family, next to the tree, and underneath it children ride with new dolls and a steam car? So don’t give up so much bile on 14 February. Let it be celebrated by lovers, on March 8 will congratulate women, on February 23 men, and the rest will not comment on someone's holiday with jealousy and envy, disguised as "I don't need it." With this rejection of other people's holidays, Muslims are trying to ban the New Year's tree, what do we do?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna