— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ]
A: Minsk, educate me, what is "Refused distribution"?
A: How is it? Did he pay and did not work?
B: Yes, you can refuse, and pay the cost of tuition all the time
C: In 2012 it was about $10,000
A: A lot of...
D: My friend had to pay $23800.
B: Nothing for yourself
E: 5-7 years ago there was the simplest chit: at 5 course (or at the end of 4) something not to surrender, not to surrender and not to surrender again. Not to be transferred. to be counted. Return to pay and pay for the last year.
E: already in 2006 this store was covered, as almost half-flow began to switch to pay. I didn’t get rid of high school students =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna