— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Protecting against cabbage in the forest. The girl Tripinka summarizes the advice:
Yes... I can’t help consumers anymore because I summed up all the advice and got the result:
I go out into the woods, in a diaper for the case of taking Kamassutra's posture by a cowboy, behind the belt of a bullshit, soaked with the poison of a black mamba or curare.
In the basket - a supply of melted pepper, a bottle with gas, petards and an aluminum fork to tick the cockroach in the eye.
There is also a bell and a tie of keys from the apartment, to scare the cock with the sounds of iron about iron. In the back is a haubit, on the lafet - a gun with a syringe.
When entering the forest, the bushes in the course of the movement are treated with napalm, shot from a haubice and clogged with a knife.
If by a miracle the surviving cock still attacked me, I first apply the aforementioned means in the form of pepper, gas and fork and evaluate the result.
With a negative outcome, I begin to speak with a cowboy — a powerful voice, without fear, but with anger, simultaneously finding out his literary tastes.
If this does not help, then I, tighting him on the nose with a rod, jump on a tree, urinate on the top of the cane, let the petards and ring the bell.
From the joint impact of these proven hunting methods, the cockroach crashes into fainting, and I descend from the tree, shoot it with a syringe and photograph the resulting natural death, signing a photo - Features of fungal hunting.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna