— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Suffering from a hernia
If you understand, there is nothing inappropriate in the word “her”. Thus was called in the church Slavic alphabet the letter "x", as well as any cross in the form of the letter "x". When crucified out unnecessary spaces in the text, it was called “to spoil.” The old alphabet with all the asas and bukes was finally abolished at the beginning of the 20th century, and the word "her", coming out of use, after half a century became synonymous with the short word on "x" (you know what). And at the same time, it seemed disgusting and a common expression with a similar root - "suffer from a hernia." Hernia in Latin means "hernia", and it is this diagnosis that good military doctors most often exhibited to the children of wealthy villagers who did not want to serve in the army. Every fifth resident in Russia at the end of the nineteenth century suffered from hernia (the peasants often had hernia not in their pocket, and they were shaved much more actively).

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