— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ]
to this:
The female manager:

We are very important to your brushes, laundry clothes, diapers, baby shoes.

Not a stamp. There are J / R who - give up work on time, or better a couple of days earlier, and scream that you have fifty other tasks in parallel, as well as borsches, babies, diarrhea and so on... Nifiga is not good, So bad loading, you have another fifth of new tasks... Delayed at work until late because of the loading? So, you organize your day badly and fool yourself on 55 parallel tasks... You’re late 5 minutes because you left at 12 p.m. for 55 tasks? Your problems, therefore, do not pull to this position... and so - the marasme strengthens to infinity...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna