— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And if a couple of days do not clean the pot - then the raised cats will walk and endure a few more days until they burst?)
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Once, my future wife and I lived in a strange apartment. Her sister asked us to take care of the cat for the time of departure, and to wander through half-city far away, here we settled. The cat was not different in upbringing, for him it was a sacred thing to squeeze in the shoes, on the pillow to the owner... in general, a savage animal. But somehow it happened that with us he behaved exceptionally perfectly. But somehow we had to go down for a day and a half. We prepared, of course, everything: food, water, two clean pots (one two times will not go), closed the unnecessary rooms, removed everything that can be squeezed in the closets... what was our surprise when we returned, we saw in the toilet two used pots and a careful lounge in SOVKA! No drop by.

That’s all I... maybe the cat needs to be treated humanly, then he won’t mind where he got?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna