— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Just for shit:

In fact, your attempt to spread the experience of one or two copies to the entire set of data just perfectly demonstrates the limitation of the mind and the narrowness of thinking.
Just the opposite: the ability to generalize, to find the general characteristics of a data set for subsequent predictions and conclusions is the main task of thinking. Without this, you can not even go to the toilet - each toilet is unique and unique in its own way. And if it seems to you that in this case the generalization is incorrect, then write it without discretion and attempts to offend the interlocutor.
The existence of the mind was not contested. I only noticed his hardness xD.

Australian biologist, physicist and mathematician. They see a black sheep on the field. There are black sheep in Australia. Physicist: No, there is at least one black sheep in Australia. Mathematics: There are no gentlemen. There is at least one sheep in Australia, and at least one side is black.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna