— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The girls were really lucky in this regard. I wanted to make money – I gave up for money; I just wanted sex – I remembered a friend from a friend’s family.
And the guys are more difficult,... either go to the club to go to the girls... or please film... or show the wonders of inventiveness to divorce a girlfriend for sex.
How difficult it is for you poor people to live.

Girls are not lucky, girls have built such a situation for centuries... The above was formed to a greater extent due to religion.
When Christianity had yet to come, some very foolish adept of it, being a foolish homicide of a foolish impotence, understood that to strengthen this religion in the masses would help the oppressed layer - girls and women, who were not considered people at the time, but who stood at the crumbs and instilled the foundations of morality to future rulers of the world. That is, for women to instill Christian principles in their children, it was necessary that among these principles there should be a lever of women’s influence on men... Thus, in Christianity, a monogamy appeared (in the Bible there is no mention of it), which made sex a deficit that women have and which they need to buy, ask, seduce, and finally take away by force...
And the girls who were not ready to support this artificial deficit at the expense of their own pleasure were called blades, shalaves, not men in the first place, but other women - because it is inappropriate to dump on such a profitable market))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna