— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not mine, but I liked it.
I have a girlfriend, 29 years old, not married and never had a serious relationship. Small-growth, full and frankly "on the amateur" outwardly, works in a state institution, gets little, lives in a dormitory, no education. We’ve been friends for 8 years and all this time she’s constantly looking for a man and can’t find it.

She came to me again for a visit, and, as usual, had a conversation that she, looking at us, very much want family, husband, children and some stability in life. That the years go by, and she is neither younger nor better, and happiness is not. She asked to help her, to introduce someone.

My husband works in a car service, I turned to him with the question of whether they have solitary intelligent guys. The husband replied that there was one very good guy, working, not drinking, lonely, adequate. In general, we decided to try to work with cupcakes. He explained the matter to the man, and he agreed.

I invited a friend to talk, delight and arrange a meeting. She ran forward joyfully and asked who he was. I begin to explain, the steward, the interpretative, her peer, not married, no children, friends with the head. Here a friend changes in the face and gives a phrase from which I fall into a stupor: "And for whom do I have a stitch? No, I don’t need a bearer. I want a solid, some kind of director, beautiful, smart, generous.” I missed the gift of speech. One question revolved in the tongue: "Why are you a beautiful, intelligent, solitary, rich director who is not young, not very beautiful, not rich, uneducated?“”

I didn’t want to break the friendship and hurt the person, I kept silent. Meanwhile, the guy was waiting for the meeting, and it was very shameful to explain to him the reasons for his girlfriend’s refusal. I decided to go on a horse ride, to introduce another friend of mine. A normal woman, 30 years old, average body structure, average appearance. I agreed with Yulia, she willingly agrees to the steward, there is an exchange of phone numbers, a meeting.

According to a friend after the meeting, she is delighted with the guy, waiting for a second date. She is nothing but far from a model, not my type, I love tall, young, with a chic body, standing breasts, a beautiful face and expensive clothes.

Three people who could potentially have found family happiness for a long time, in the pursuit of ideal partners spend their years without noticing ordinary people. And then these people come to visit us and say, "Look, we envy you with white envy, you have family, children, comfort, and we are alone and so unhappy." My husband is not a director, and I am not a model. But we love each other, not fictitious stupid standards.

In general, lonely people, stop living illusions, waiting for princes and princesses. Life runs so fast, you don’t have time to look back as old as old. Look at the sides, there can be wonderful people nearby, with quite ordinary appearance and modest income.

Do not be embarrassed sometimes to look critically at yourself, ask the question "Do I myself meet my requests?" “If you want to be the wife of a general, marry a lieutenant.” The beauty of the face in years will fade, the beauty of the soul will multiply.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna