— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You know, my dear ones, in the last couple of days I have read a lot of nonsense about the "marry-do not marry", "living together-living alone", and wanted to say... You, fucking, is it serious? Honestly, they broke up a kindergarten. Yes, all people are different, everyone has their own needs, somebody is satisfied with life alone, somebody can't imagine themselves without a "half", and somebody in general is "wrong", I can't understand only one thing, what kind of evil do you rely on trying to impose your point of view? Every man has already chosen his position, do you think his hysterics will turn him into his "faith"?
Reading this is fun, but at least occasionally think before you write another “truth of the century.”
Love, whatever it may be :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna