— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Broke the vibrator;-).... technical, iron weighing 10kg, and since the project burned,to speed up the repair process, the manufacturer, sent an employee, from the division of "God, what we don't do", punished him, before getting that iron, no gram, the whole route calculated, tickets bought, sleep, the trip should take a little more than a day in the worst case.This miracle went for three days.And this is what he told us.Come, took this iron, came to the train station, 2 hours before the train, took the bottle, drank, fell asleep, minted, the train left, change the ticket for a later one.I drink a bottle, sink, sink, sink, ride, you take a ticket late, you borrow a ticket, you want to buy it, you want it, you

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna