— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At one of the American forums, a lady asked:
“I am a beautiful, fun, smart girl. I want to marry a guy who earns at least $500,000 a year.
One of the young financiers did not let go of answering her in essence:
I read your post with great interest. This is how I see it all.
Your offer from the point of view of a guy like me is definitely a bad deal, and here’s why. In short, you offer your beauty in exchange for my money. It is beautiful. But after all, your beauty will diminish, and my capital will only grow. Of course, the likelihood of increasing my capital can be questioned, but you will definitely not be more beautiful!
So in the language of economics, you are a depreciating asset, and I am a revenue asset. But you are not just a depreciating asset: your value is falling faster and faster, in 10 years no one will look at you. Buying you (what you are asking for) is a bad business, so I’d better rent you.
If my words seem cruel to you, think that if my money disappears, you will do the same. So, for fairness, when your beauty goes away, I’ll need to get rid of that asset. It is very simple. So the deal that makes sense to me is a date, not a wedding.
I hope I helped you.
Yes, if you are willing to discuss rental options, let me know!” (c)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna